What is this?

This is the landing page for a set of prompt generators. They are intended for use primarily in fanfiction challenges and memes, but can be used for any purpose or creative activity such as graphics, fanvids, etc., etc., It is possible to get customised versions of these scripts for particular challenges, or indeed for personal use. It is also possible to contribute additional prompts to the lists.

Using the Prompt Generators

I maintain a number of lists of prompts allocated to categories - such as AU prompts, angsty prompts, etc., etc., Some of the prompt generators draw their prompts or cards from a fixed set of these categories. Some of the prompt generators will allow you to select which categories you would like included before you generate your prompt or card.

While most of the prompts are intended to give ideas and inspirations, I also maintain lists of characters for some fandoms, so there are also a set of prompts where you can generate a character or pairing to go with your prompt or card or even mix the character and/or pairing prompts into a bingo card.

This is a version of the prompt generators suitable for children and other people who want only "safe" prompts.

The complete set of child-friendly public lists can be found here.

Contributing to the Site

If you are over eighteen you can find details of how to contribute to the site and the points system under Support this Site

If you are under eighteen then please get an adult to contact me about contributions or customisations and we'll see. Or, you know, some of you could just ask me at supper time!